Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Now that Keagan is six months old the doctors suggested trying new things. We have been giving him cereals from a spoon for a while now and that's been going good. So we decided to try a little water. At first we gave him a sippy cup but that did not go well at all! He just kept hitting himself in the head with the hard plastic! Yea- great first experience! So I being the brilliant person I am decided I would just take the lid off and give him a drink myself....Well not only did it run all down his chest, onto his belly, and soaked his socks...he made this face...

I mean it's water...who knew it could taste this bad? Ha Ha


Aunt Kaci getting some kisses!

Daddy stealing a couple too...

I have always loved brown hair- Kyle on the other hand would much rather I stay blond. However, I finally took the plunge and went dark! I have to say I am loving it, and Kyle seems to really like it too... :) He keeps telling me that anyways! My dad told him it would be like cheating without really cheating ha ha gotta love dad! I love it but I am really excited about Kyle loving it!! I may just stay this color for a while!!

Trick or Treat

Considering Keagan is only six and a half months old he didn't get to eat a lot of candy! Kyle and I on the other hand took full advantage of our sweet pony and got all kinds of candy...

Our Pony...

Presenting Out Little Pony!! We couldn't have been any more proud of our baby on Halloween! There were a hundred costumes to choose from but this being the only Halloween I would have much say in...I chose something a little more baby-ish! He was the most precious thing- and boy did he love his costume! He threw a little fit when we took it off of him! I can't wait for next year!!